GridInstrument 0.9 is out!
A new version (0.9) of GridInstrument is out. It features:
– Ability to set the MIDI velocity level to a fixed value.
– Ability to set the MIDI velocity to random value within a range (for example, random between 95 and 105, to give a more natural feel).
– Ability to set row overlap/offset like on Launchpad Pro – you can find this in the Layout menu.
RELEASE: Da Metronome 1.0
Download Da Metronome 1.0 (21k) – A metronome program for Windows 95 / 98 / XP. It lets you select between the built-in sound, the PC speaker, and your own wave file. It also features a drop-down menu to let you selected the priority of the program (for better timing accuracy). Requires file “mfc40.dll”.
RELEASE: da Modulator 0.99b
Download DaMod 0.99b (40k) – A modulation experiment kit. It generates different waveforms and allows the user to export these to a wave file. Much cooler is that the user can also choose modulate an external wave file with the currently selected waveform settings. Lots of experimental sounds can be made this way. Great for electronica/hip-hop production. Still being beta-tested. Requires: Microsoft DirectSound for playback (but wave export will work fine without) and file “mfc40.dll.”