How to turn seismographic data into usable sounds

  1. Find the event you are interested in here
  2. Click on the location name next to the event. You will be taken to a page about that specific event.
  3. Click at the bottom where it says "Wilber 3".
  4. You will be taken to a mapping tool. Clear out the “Networks” field on the right and specify HHZ and BHZ as channels you are interested in. (You may want to set these as defaults.)
  5. You’ll get a list at the bottom of the screen. You can click on them to try to pull data. If this works, you'll see two or three graphs come up. The vast majority will not have any data. It's not uncommon to try 5 or 10 stations before you find one that actually has data.
  6. Once you find one with data you like, click on the little downloadable image link above the graph.
  7. Take the URL and enter into the box below. You will be redirected to an audio file of the same graph. If your browser just shows an audio file player, you should be able to save the file by right-clicking on the player and choosing the appropriate Save command from the menu that pops up.