Author: David Hilowitz
Floyd’s Worthwhile Endeavor v0.8.4 Released!
A new version of Floyd’s Worthwhile Endeavor is now available on the App Store. Here are the highlights of this release: Five new types of hats! Elephants are less dangerous: they can only kill you when you then are walking towards you. Better memory usage New help text in Level 1 Bug Fix: Floyd no […]
Presenting Floyd’s Worthwhile Endeavor
For the past eight months, I have been working on an iOS game based on the photography of Eadward Muybridge. As of this week, the game is now in the App Store. Since my quiet soft-launch earlier this week, it has already been downloaded more than five thousand times!
jsTaskPaper: Display Taskpaper Todo lists as HTML using Javascript
For the longest time I’ve wanted to set up a giant billboard-style to-do list in my office–something that would be so big that it would be hard to ignore.  I was tempted by Panic’s gorgeous Status Board iOS app, but I didn’t know how easy it would be to integrate my daily Taskpaper-based todo lists with […]
Adorno Media is now Decidedly
That is all. 🙂
TIP: How to sync your entire Sublime Text project over to your dev server with a single keystroke
If you do all of your web coding on your laptop, but don’t run a local PHP stack, you may be searching for a quick way to sync your files over to your dev server. Well, my friends, look no further than rsync. Not only is it fast and secure, but you can actually set […]
PHP TIP: A quick, non-RegEx way of replacing an IMG tag’s SRC= attribute
It’s often useful to be able to swap out the src= attribute of an HTML IMG tag without losing any of the other attributes. Here’s a quick, non-regex way of doing this. It uses the PHP DOM API to create a tiny HTML document, then saves the XML for just the IMG element. function replace_img_src($original_img_tag, […]
TIP: How to Play a Sound Whenever You Commit to Git
Writing code alone at home can be an isolating experience. There you are, day in day out, quietly making magic with your mind (sarcasm, obv.) only to silently commit the fruits of your labor into the void of your source control repository, appreciated by no one. If only a crowd of children could be retained […]
TIP: Turn WordPress Page Titles On or Off Using Custom Fields
Most WordPress themes display page titles for every page. This is usually what one wants, but sometimes it’s useful to be able to easily turn off WordPress page titles for individual pages but still keep them on by default. This is easy to do with custom fields. For simplicity’s sake, I am going to base […]
How to Relay your Git Commit Messages to Twitter in 16 Easy Steps
A while back I started using Twitter as a micro-journaling platform. I created a private Twitter account, and every few hours as I worked on code, I would jot down a private tweet to myself about what it was that I was doing. This private Twitter stream was then archived using Momento App for iPhone. […]
How and Why I Switched Away From
Why This evening, I migrated away from I had been using it for over a year and liked it quite a bit, but increasingly I found myself reverting to a TaskPaper-formatted text file for my daily tasks, which defeated the purpose of having all of my big stuff in Ultimately, I’m looking for a […]