TIP: Installing Ruby on Rails on Mac OS X 10.6.8
1. Install XCODE 4. This is actually trickier than it seems. You have to:
a) download XCode;
b) run the .dmg.
c) quit iTunes, then go into Activity Monitor and force quit on anything iTunes related (iTunesHelper as well);
d) go into the Applications folder and find the “Install XCode†app, and run that. (Yes, you have to run a second Install XCode app…and I had to run it twice. It failed the first time. If you want to watch it fail, drop into Terminal and type this: tail -f /var/log/install.log.
2. Install MacPorts.
3. Test MacPorts by installing joe. Type:
$ sudo bash $ port install joe.
Enter your password.
4. A bunch of things will be preinstalled with the wrong architecture. We’re trying to get ruby as an x86_64 architecture. So…uninstall libiconv and zlib (you may have to tinker with this a bit because it will ask you which version you want to uninstall — the answer is “all of themâ€)
$ sudo port uninstall -f libiconv @1.13.1_0 $ sudo port uninstall -f libiconv @1.14_0 $ sudo port uninstall -f zlib $ port uninstall -f readline $ port uninstall -f openssl $ port uninstall -f ncurses @5.8_1 $ port uninstall -f ncurses @5.9_0 $ port uninstall -f ncurses @5.9_1 $ port uninstall -f gdbm
5. Install ruby by doing:
$ port install ruby
7. Update your gems:
$ gem update --system
8. And, finally, install Rails:
$ gem install rails --pre
Useful links: